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Medical Lead (Médecin)


Full Time / CDI




Paris - Hybride


I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

This is a great space to write a long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.

What you will do

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

This is a great space to write a long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.

Who you are

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

This is a great space to write a long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.

What they offer

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

This is a great space to write a long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.

Got what it takes?

About the job

Au sein d’un Laboratoire ayant un portefeuille de produits Matures, qui réinvestie dans le développement de nouveaux produits innovants. Ils ciblent de nouvelles indications pour leurs produits matures, comme le développement de nouvelles molécules ciblant des maladies ou les patients n’ont actuellement pas de solutions. Ils travaillent principalement en Neurologie et sur des
Vous prendrez la charge d’un portefeuille de produits pour lequel vous allez développer et mettre en place la stratégie clinique. Vous allez également avoir la partie opérationnelle que vous allez gérer et coordonner avec partenaires internes (Affaires Réglementaires, Assurance Qualité, clinique, non-Clinique…) et externes (Centres d’investigations, CRO…)
Vous travaillerez aussi bien sur des produits allant des phases Précoces jusqu’aux Phase III & IV.
C’est une vue d’ensemble sur le développement du produit que vous allez avoir.

Your missions

• Définition et mise en place de la stratégie du développement clinique sur votre portefeuille de produits.
• Responsable des activités médicales : Design du protocole, synopsis, récupération des données et leurs interprétations, scientific advices…
• Coordination des activités sous forme de gestion de projet avec la Pré-Clinique, Réglementaire, Opérations cliniques, CRO…
• Gestion et collaboration avec les CRO partenaires.
• Medical Monitoring.

Your Experience

• Vous êtes diplômé de Médecine (MD.) avec une expérience en Neurologie.
• Un minima de 3 années d’expérience au sein de l’industrie Pharmaceutique ou des Biotechnologies.
• Expérience en développement clinique impérative : Mise en place de protocoles, CDP, Sélection des centres d’investigations…
• Anglais et Français indispensable.

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